Thursday, April 21, 2011

Getting Rippled

That disaster in Japan -- the quake + tsunami one-two punch -- has, one month later, caused a significant reduction of work hours at my job here on the other side of the planet. The physical shockwaves move quickly but also dissipate quickly. The intangible shockwaves (economic disruptions, supplier line gaps, the vacancies realized by the mass loss of human life, etc.) move across the world more slowly, but their effects are felt that much longer.

Factories are running out of Japanese-made parts. Workers have nothing to build. Companies are cutting back production. Auto manufacturers around the world have reduced production to 30%. Not BY 30%... production is reduced TO 30%.

This will go on until parts production plants in Japan are either rebuilt or companies find new suppliers. Who knows how long that will take.

And I try not to complain because A) I still have a job and B) I still have a beating heart. Many can't say the same.

Optimistically speaking this means I have more family time, although I now also have less money to spend on said family. Lots of trips to parks and Taco Bell!

But anyway, I want Japan to heal up. Not for my pithy sake (not to be confused with my pithy saké) or even for the sake of the corporate landscape, but for the Japanese themselves. I try to empathize: what if the ocean, covered with flaming debris, ate my city? Followed by swamped reactors radiating my vegetables? Then the want of a cozy job takes a back seat to much more essential tasks like rebuilding and survival.

So heal up, Japan. Take care of yourself first. We can get by on limited inventory for a while. Just make sure your citizens are provided for.

And for goodness sakes stop building your nuclear facilities so close to the shore.

One good-hearted (yet still too often ignorant) Americano.

Oneida - "Doin Business In Japan"

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