Friday, June 17, 2011

Moneyball: The Theatrical Trailer

Further proof that an actual Moneyball movie is being made, here is the official trailer.

Once again, for those who don't know, Moneyball: The Movie is based upon Moneyball, a book written by Michael Lewis about the Oakland Athletics' statistics-minded approach to baseball in the 1990s. You wouldn't think something like that would translate well to feature-length film, but lo!

And look! It stars Brad Pitt (who is all the reason you need to see a movie anyway), that fat guy who cusses a lot, and Philip Seymour Hoffman as an old baseball guy who apparently has no lines.

So make sure you line up early for the midnight screening! And wear your Moneyball-related costumes. I'm going as Miguel Tejada.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Here, Eat Some Free Music

Noisetrade, in their continuing efforts to exude awesomeness, have these two noteworthy things up for download:

Josh Rouse - Summertime
A 25-song sampler covering bits from several albums as well as live material and unreleased stuff.

The Civil Wars - Live at Eddy's Attic
It's the Civil Wars! Live! At Eddy's Attic!

Both are good for mellow late night listens, which is precisely what I'm doing now. Ignore the timestamp, it's 4:30 in the morning here.

There's scads of great material scattered throughout Noisetrade, and one day you should spend some time to do some musical perusing.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Your Favorite Forgotten Team

To help out a friend I've started a series about the Seattle Mariners. I completely understand if this is the most uninteresting topic in the world, but it's there if, you know, you need to read about the Mariners for some reason.

The team is as irrelevant to me as it is to you, so I'll try to keep the posts somewhat interesting.

I'll gloss over the history of the M's (mostly with regard to my growing-up years), cover some key players and key moments, and armchair analyze this season's team.

Check it periodically as I intend to update it with semi-regularity (i.e. whenever the Spirit moves me).

Monday, June 6, 2011

Unwed Sailor - Oaxaca

Unwed Sailor has posted a new song. It is called "Oaxaca" and, like every Unwed Sailor song ever made, it is good and nice.

The band is also currently touring (with Owl City, of all things). I've seen them perform a couple times. Tremendous show every time.

They also added a Columbia, Missouri, date, so be sure to catch them at Mojo's on July 2nd.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

If Only Dover Was A Bend

Sometimes, either because she loves me or she's trying to kill me, my wife comes home with a bag of Blair's Death Rain chips. They're kettle cooked habanero chips, and they are delicious. They will also mess you up. I've been hacking and sputtering and sneezing my way through this bag, but I can't stop eating them. Clearly they are good for me because A) zero trans fats, and B) apparently habaneros help reduce high blood pressure. Seeing as there's steam shooting out of my ears right now I would have thought blood pressure would have increased instead.

Just so you know, if you find you've accidentally put something extremely spicy in your mouth, a slice of bread works wonders. A glass of fruit punch does nothing.


Friday the wife, baby, and I will visit Port Dover for a bit. According to Wikipedia, Port Dover was the site of an American raid. This was during the War of 1812. The raid occurred in 1814. I'm inclined to believe this war was somewhat misnamed.

Port Dover is also the site of massive motorcycle gatherings every Friday the 13th. These things attract, like, a hundred thousand people. That is not an exaggeration. Thankfully this Friday is not the 13th, so hopefully we will enjoy a nice peaceful day at the beach. I don't want to be a part of any ritualistic hippy-stompings or anything.


Sometimes I write terrible reviews for movies that may or may not be themselves terrible. Read, if you're inclined to, May's reviews, which are The New World, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, and, uh, Beauty and the Beast. I'd like to say a review of Road to Perdition is forthcoming, but I haven't even started it yet. Maybe this weekend. Probably not.

And read the other reviews by the other contributors. We're an unmotivated bunch, and maybe some site hits will get us going again.


Chris Staples just released a five-song EP on bandcamp.
It's free to download, free to listen, and free to enjoy.