Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cheap Links Are Less Time-Consuming Than The Alternative

Suddenly I found myself typing up a blog post about the women's liberation movement as reflected (or, as I'm finding, UNreflected) by 1960s girl-group pop music. It's going to take a few days. I totally meant to write about something else, but now it is what it is and I'll have to finish it.

But not right now because I'm sleepy.

In the meantime, check out my review of Jurassic Park (timely, I know) as well as all the other wonderful reviews written by our ragtag club of amateur film reviewers.
"Jurassic Park: Ah, Ah, Ahh."

NoiseTrade is offering up Storyboards, the 11-song 2009 album by Sleeping At Last, for the cheap price of FREE. But only for a short time. It's a good collection of weepy songs. Check it out.

In fact there's a lot of good stuff dangling around at, so if you've got some time you should explore the site.

I feel like there's something else.

I ate all the cookies.


1 comment:

  1. you ate ALL the cookies? dude, what am i going to put in your lunch now??
